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Taglist installation

Taglist is a popular Vim plugin and it requires ctags. c9s has given a detailed description of the installation of ctags. I've found out that putting the whole ctags58 folder under the C drive and adding it to the PATH environment variable will do. You don't need to copy ctags.exe under the C drive or $VIMRUNTIME.
TheGeekStuff has a web page which described numerous powerful functions of Taglist.

Some vimrc settings

I've learnt something about vim keyboard mappings by reading a post on customized vimrc settings.Using this knowledge, I can do something that I couldn't do last month.

Automatic completion of unclosed braces/brackets

Unmatched brackets/braces are the cause of a host of syntax errors in source code. Some novices probably spend hours to find it out, and then say something that their high school teachers will never approve. a Vim Tips contains a simple solution that enable users to get the job done. However, I'm not accustomed to its differences with Vim-$\rm \LaTeX$, so I decided to add the following lines of code into my .vimrc file:
inoremap (      ()<++><Left><Left><Left><Left><Left>
inoremap (<CR>  (<CR>)<Esc>O
inoremap ((     (
inoremap ()     ()<++><Left><Left><Left><Left><Left>
inoremap [      []<++><Left><Left><Left><Left><Left>
inoremap [<CR>  [<CR>]<Esc>O
inoremap [[     [
inoremap []     []<++><Left><Left><Left><Left><Left>
inoremap {      {}<++><Left><Left><Left><Left><Left>
inoremap {<CR>  {<CR>}<Esc>O
inoremap {{     {
inoremap {}     {}<++><Left><Left><Left><Left><Left>
After the user types <C-j>, the cursor will jump to the position of the placeholder <++> and the whole placeholder will disappear, just like Latex-Suite.

New keyboard shortcuts of my gVim

Finally, I decided to use <F3> and <F12> in normal mode for toggling NERDTree and Taglist respectively.
nnoremap <F3> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
nnoremap <F12> :TlistToggle<CR>

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